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Art of many forms has always been an integral component in my life. Business related travel took me frequently to magical Prague, known as the “glass capital.” Everywhere I turned decorative and creative objects were showcased sending me into serious sensory overload unable to get enough of the galleries, stores or factories.

 When home again, opportunity presented itself to enroll at a local studio for introductory glass fusing. The allure was immediate and powerful. Subsequent workshops and classes mentored by well-known artists from around the country enabled development of a solid foundation on which I continually grow. I savor the process constantly experimenting while increasing the complexity of technique and design on what I’m working. Beyond the immense joy and satisfaction experienced upon opening the kiln to find a project completed as had been envisioned, several years ago all of this took on a new importance and relevance in my life.

Glass became the primary therapeutic process I am using to recover and rehabilitate myself following a massive stroke with resultant loss of significant function including fine motor impairment, incapable of even writing my name.

When eventually discharged home, upon entering the familiar comfort of my studio surrounded by my glass and tools, the reality was overwhelming. I understood at least in the foreseeable future, and possibly permanently, these would only gather dust. The potential for serious injury was too great as attempting even a simple score (cut) was beyond my ability to control the tool.

Obligatory therapy sessions were a one-size-fit all protocol therapists were obliged to follow with no adjustments for personalization to specific abilities or interests of the client.

I wasn’t expecting glass fusing, but drew the line at folding a basketful of towels as a beneficial exercise which would restore my life. Believing nothing meaningful or productive was to be achieved from these sessions, I abruptly stopped going,  instead  formulating an aggressive plan of action assuming full control and responsibility. I devoted hours each day working on my identified deficiencies. This new “normal” came with a steep learning curve and frequent need to reevaluate, adjust, adapt, and modify methods by which I would attain goals I set for myself. Following countless hours of intense work, a significant improvement in fine motor coordination was perceptible.

Now encouraged and rebuilding confidence in my abilities,  I began reintroducing more complex high powered mechanical tools  into my repertoire which  vastly improved not only the technical capabilities but artistic level of what I could produce. The road was not always straight or smooth  fluctuating between progress and setbacks but always driven by the knowledge failure was not an option.

Fiercely determined, dedicated, committed and ultimately as evidenced by the photographs of my work, full of achievements of which I am proud.

About Me: About Us
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